This Lucky Woman Escaped Ted Bundy Because of a Haircut

Harrowing stories of the ruthless killer’s almost-victims

Bertilla Niveda
4 min readJun 27, 2021
Photo by Kamil Szumotalski on Unsplash

On a snowy day in 1972, a young Seattle resident had an encounter that could have ended in her murder. An encounter with one of the most notorious psychopaths history has known — Ted Bundy.

[The entire account of this incident is as reported by Kiro7 in their exclusive interview with Sotria Kritsonis.]

One day, Sotria Kritsonis, then 22 years old, was waiting for the city bus to go to school in Renton, Seattle. She had been waiting for over an hour when a tan Volkswagen bug pulled up to her. Behind the wheel was a dashing young man who offered her a ride.

Sotria recalls him asking her politely if she was waiting for a bus,

“I’ve come down Rainier Avenue and that’s a long way and there’s no bus in sight. Would you like a ride?”

She didn’t suspect for a moment that this “handsome” man who seemed friendly in a pretty safe neighborhood could do her any harm in broad daylight. With no sign of a bus, she gladly accepted a chance to get into the warmth of his car and be dropped at school as soon as possible.

Ted Bundy lost his cool and thankfully, a potential victim



Bertilla Niveda

Artist, engineer, and writer with a lot to say. You can connect with me at | Learn more→